Monthly Archives: November 2017

Grey Cup Sunday Memory


Today is Sunday November 26th. Grey Cup Sunday in Canada. I have plans to do something I haven’t done in decades. Yes, I am actually going to watch the game. I’m meeting some Canadian friends at Macaws and we will watch the football game together. Who will I cheer for? Let’s see, Manitoba is in the middle of the country and once again the Bombers bombed out. Calgary in the west? Toronto in the east? Hmmmmmmm…………

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Thirty-seven years ago today I spent the day at Misericordia Hospital in Winnipeg in labor with my son Kyle. Not that he was actually born that day. Instead he chose to arrive the following day shortly after midnight. While I hung out in the delivery room, my ex was in the lounge area watching the game. No comfy birthing rooms back then.

Image result for images of misericordia hospital winnipeg

Growing up, Kyle was more of a NFL fan than a CFL fan. So the focus was on Super Bowl and real football. In all honesty I don’t recall much about Grey Cup although the Bombers did win once when Kyle was quite young as he had a t-shirt proclaiming this. I snagged this photo off the internet as I don’t have the family photo albums with me here in Mexico.

Image result for 1988 grey cup t-shirts

My most poignant memory of Grey Cup……….being in labor for hours with my first child. Do you have a Grey Cup memory?

And The Nomad Moved Again

And The Nomad Moved Again

I am back in Mazatlan. Winter has arrived and Leavenworth had its first snowfall. I admit that it does look kind of pretty, but I haven’t seen snow like that in 8 years.


I took the Wenatchee Valley Shuttle to Sea-Tac and had a layover at LAX. When I arrived in Mazatlan this was the view at sunset just a block and a half from my house.


Of course the price one pays for leaving snow behind is sweltering temperatures in the 90s along with high humidity. But it’s been a week and a half now and I am acclimatizing nicely.

The area I’m staying in this winter is called Los Pintos and is close to the Centro Historico. Everything is within walking distance as opposed to last year where buses were the norm.

Zaragoza Park is about a ten minute walk. Saturday mornings an organic market is popular and on Thursday evenings dancing and music prevail. I stopped by the park this afternoon and met these little guys. Unfortunately the iguana was camera shy and hid in the shadows.

Zaragoza Park (2)

I’ve seen two excellent movies at El Recreo this past week. This coming Tuesday evening I plan on attending an art and music event there. Last weekend I met some friends atop the Freeman Hotel for drinks at sunset. And I’ve also found a new card group here in Centro. Our Red Hat group had its first luncheon last week and it was nice to see so many return this winter.


But what convinced me to move here two and a half years ago was the ocean. And I certainly am enjoying my long walks along the malecon.